
Saturday, already?
First week of uni is over and I've been to all my courses which is kind of something special, I think it never happened before actually... Still not all of my courses started yet and I still haven't figured out which individual courses I am going to take.
At my uniwork, the students can enroll in a course called 'cultural training' which gives 4 ECTS points and I still haven't asked my boss if it would be possible for me to take that course too, which would be so great. Its not on a regular basis and you visit museums and go on citytours and heaps of different cool things which a bunch of great people, oh, would be so good and a big relief. I still hope I can get into any english course and hope my teacher will be fine with the fact of me missing five lessons due to the fact that I will be in Australia.
We still don't know for sure if we do have to get a certain amount of cedit points before we can do our internships... But, today, I finally send FIVE emails out to companies in Melbourne if it is possible to do an internship at their offices, fingers crossed here!

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