
Less then 9 hours until departure

So now it started snowing in Berlin, good snow which is still on the ground and not gone. Nice snow. It stopped now and I hope it stays like this until my flight leaves and that it won't snow in London they do t get snow. Always trouble at he airports...
I'm a bit worried as we will have great white Christmas in Germany this year and a bad summer in Australia, would be typically for me and my bad luck. Apparently it snowed in Australia some days ago too!
Strange world!
Well suitcase is packed and I am as good as it could to go, now at work and a bit bored but I'm fine.



Well finally we did a FaceTime session only for packing my suitcase or rather deciding what I'm going to take to Australia and eventually after I was worried that all my stuff won't fit into my new 120l suitcase it did and I still have space but the whole damn suitcase is now 25.1kg which is kind of good but still stupid 3.1kg too much and who knows how the wage at the airport is configured!?! So what am I going to take into my hand luggage which is at the moment only a bag and my ticket, medicine, some uni things, iPad and cables and nothing else.
Should I take a summer outfit just in case my bag get lost (as it tend to) and maybe my cameras?
Too many questions!

I'm down at my parents place and this morning it started to snow. It's first of December, I got to open my first present of my Christmas calendar and there is snow outside waiting for me! Life couldn't be better right now.
Yesterday I already met some old friends for hot met, a honey wine which is delicious and some glühwein, went to a local brewery for more good beer and ended the night at a pub with more beer and great company.
So today I'm going to shop more Christmas presents or small German presents to bring to Australia while I'm still not sure if I will be allowed to bring them into Australia or not...
And I will meet more friends and hopefully be dancing to night too.
But now off to put some cloth on!


So on Saturday we started pretty early with putting the giant 8.34 kg turkey into the oven, filled with a lot of butter and apples and some other spices and then prepared a lot of other good food and waited until friends came by with more food and wine and beer. It was a good day with great conversations and so so much food